Fig. 6.
Immunolocalization of 4.1G and NuMA in the nuclei of erythroid and lymphoid cells.

Immunolocalization of 4.1G and NuMA in the nuclei of erythroid and lymphoid cells.

Similar results were obtained in erythroid progenitors (columns A-D) and lymphoid cells (column E): Column A shows 4.1 isoform distribution; column B, NuMA distribution; column C, colocalization of various 4.1 isoforms and NuMA; column D, higher magnification of the mitotic cells shown in column C; column E, results obtained in lymphoid cells. In all of these columns, only the high magnifications are shown. AbHG13 (AbG) gave a positive reaction in both control and patient CO cells, and it colocalized with NuMA at the mitotic spindle poles. AbHP reacted with 4.1R (control) and indiscriminately with CO.2 and CO.1 (homozygote). This antibody reproduced the punctate distribution within the cytoplasm and the nucleus of interphasic cell seen in Figure 3. Even though AbHP recognized both isoforms, CO.1 and CO.2, which are shortened at their C-termini, colocalization with NuMA necessarily stems only from CO.2 (Figure 3). Bars indicate 5 μm.

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