Fig. 10.
Fig. 10. The effect of calphostin C on PE-induced contraction of aortic rings. / Contraction of rat's aortic rings was induced by PE alone (Cont) or in the presence of 1 μM calphostin C (Cal), calphostin C and anti-LRP antibodies (Cal+ Anti-LRP), or calphostin C and rRAP (Cal+rRAP).

The effect of calphostin C on PE-induced contraction of aortic rings.

Contraction of rat's aortic rings was induced by PE alone (Cont) or in the presence of 1 μM calphostin C (Cal), calphostin C and anti-LRP antibodies (Cal+ Anti-LRP), or calphostin C and rRAP (Cal+rRAP).

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