Fig. 7.
Fig. 7. Effect of α-defensin on PE-induced Ca++mobilization in human umbilical vein SMCs. / (A) SMCs were incubated in media with no additives (Cont.), or in the presence of 100 nM PE (PE) or 100 nM PE and 1 μM α-defensin (PE+Defensin) and photographed at 490 nm excitation and 520 nm emission. Original magnification × 40. (B) SMCs were incubated with buffer containing 45Ca++and 100 nM PE (PE); 100 nM PE and 1 μM α-defensin (PE+Def.);45Ca++ with no additives (cont); 100 nM PE, 1 μM defensin, and 20 nM rRAP (PE+Def.+rRAP); or 100 nM anti-LRP antibodies instead of rRAP (PE+Def.+Ab.).

Effect of α-defensin on PE-induced Ca++mobilization in human umbilical vein SMCs.

(A) SMCs were incubated in media with no additives (Cont.), or in the presence of 100 nM PE (PE) or 100 nM PE and 1 μM α-defensin (PE+Defensin) and photographed at 490 nm excitation and 520 nm emission. Original magnification × 40. (B) SMCs were incubated with buffer containing 45Ca++and 100 nM PE (PE); 100 nM PE and 1 μM α-defensin (PE+Def.);45Ca++ with no additives (cont); 100 nM PE, 1 μM defensin, and 20 nM rRAP (PE+Def.+rRAP); or 100 nM anti-LRP antibodies instead of rRAP (PE+Def.+Ab.).

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