Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. Inhibition of PKC activity antagonizes the effects of N-Ras*. / Data show the effect of PKC inhibitor addition (2 μM GF109203X on day 3) on growth and cell-surface antigen expression of GFP+, CD13− cells (analyzed on day 9). (A) Cumulative expansion. (B) Frequency of CD34 expression. (C) Frequency of CD41 expression. Error bars represent SD (n = 6). Significant effect of inhibitor compared with vehicle alone is indicated as follows: *P < .05, **P < .01.

Inhibition of PKC activity antagonizes the effects of N-Ras*.

Data show the effect of PKC inhibitor addition (2 μM GF109203X on day 3) on growth and cell-surface antigen expression of GFP+, CD13 cells (analyzed on day 9). (A) Cumulative expansion. (B) Frequency of CD34 expression. (C) Frequency of CD41 expression. Error bars represent SD (n = 6). Significant effect of inhibitor compared with vehicle alone is indicated as follows: *P < .05, **P < .01.

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