Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. TPO quantification in plasma. / Each point is the mean ± SD of 12 to 14 animals, with the exception that only 6 TGF-β1−/− animals were analyzed at week 16. ● represents TGF-β1+/+ (WT) transplant; ■, TGF-β1−/− (–/–) transplant. Results of statistical analysis with the 2-tailed Student t test: WT versus TGF-β1−/−, ★P < .05 and★★P < .001.

TPO quantification in plasma.

Each point is the mean ± SD of 12 to 14 animals, with the exception that only 6 TGF-β1−/− animals were analyzed at week 16. ● represents TGF-β1+/+ (WT) transplant; ■, TGF-β1−/− (–/–) transplant. Results of statistical analysis with the 2-tailed Student t test: WT versus TGF-β1−/−, P < .05 and★★P < .001.

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