Fig. 7.
Fig. 7. B-cell function after gene transfer. / Serum immunoglobulin IgM (A) and IgG (B) were quantified in RAG-2–transduced mice, C57BL/6 mice, and mice after secondary transplantation. Each dot represents values obtained in one mouse. (C) KLH antigen-specific IgM (■) and IgG (▪) immunoglobulins were quantified in the serum of RAG-2–transduced mice and C57BL/6 mice before and after immunization. Values are the means ± SD of data from 3 mice obtained 28 days after immunization, 4 to 6 months after gene transfer.

B-cell function after gene transfer.

Serum immunoglobulin IgM (A) and IgG (B) were quantified in RAG-2–transduced mice, C57BL/6 mice, and mice after secondary transplantation. Each dot represents values obtained in one mouse. (C) KLH antigen-specific IgM (■) and IgG (▪) immunoglobulins were quantified in the serum of RAG-2–transduced mice and C57BL/6 mice before and after immunization. Values are the means ± SD of data from 3 mice obtained 28 days after immunization, 4 to 6 months after gene transfer.

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