Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. T/B lymphocyte peripheral reconstitution after gene transfer. / Peripheral blood was tested for T- and B-cell counts throughout the experiment. Nucleated blood cells were counted and stained for immunocytofluorometry (black: B220+IgM+; dotted: CD3+TCRαβ+; white: CD3+CD4+; gray: CD3+CD8+). (A) Number of nucleated cells in peripheral blood of RAG-2–transduced mice (n = 11). (B) Number of nucleated cells in peripheral blood of mock-transduced mice (n = 7). (C) Number of nucleated cells in peripheral blood of C57BL/6 mice (n = 4). RAG2−/− mice consistently lacked any expression of B220+IgM+, CD3+TCRαβ+, CD3+CD4+, or CD3+CD8+cells throughout their lives. Data are expressed as means ± SEM.

T/B lymphocyte peripheral reconstitution after gene transfer.

Peripheral blood was tested for T- and B-cell counts throughout the experiment. Nucleated blood cells were counted and stained for immunocytofluorometry (black: B220+IgM+; dotted: CD3+TCRαβ+; white: CD3+CD4+; gray: CD3+CD8+). (A) Number of nucleated cells in peripheral blood of RAG-2–transduced mice (n = 11). (B) Number of nucleated cells in peripheral blood of mock-transduced mice (n = 7). (C) Number of nucleated cells in peripheral blood of C57BL/6 mice (n = 4). RAG2−/− mice consistently lacked any expression of B220+IgM+, CD3+TCRαβ+, CD3+CD4+, or CD3+CD8+cells throughout their lives. Data are expressed as means ± SEM.

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