Figure 2.
Figure 2. Leukocyte recruitment and defects in LAD. Leukocytes migrate to the site of inflammation after a gradient of chemoattractants. The cells slow down within the vasculature because of transient interactions between selectins and their glycosylated ligands, which are defective in LAD-II. Next, stable adhesion by leukocyte integrins, absent in LAD-I, to ligands on the endothelium results in leukocyte arrest. Activation of blood cell integrins is decreased in LAD-III. Normal neutrophils extravasate into tissues after firm adhesion. From van de Vijver et al,50 with permission.

Leukocyte recruitment and defects in LAD. Leukocytes migrate to the site of inflammation after a gradient of chemoattractants. The cells slow down within the vasculature because of transient interactions between selectins and their glycosylated ligands, which are defective in LAD-II. Next, stable adhesion by leukocyte integrins, absent in LAD-I, to ligands on the endothelium results in leukocyte arrest. Activation of blood cell integrins is decreased in LAD-III. Normal neutrophils extravasate into tissues after firm adhesion. From van de Vijver et al,50  with permission.

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