Fig. 1.
Protocol for identification of PNH-type granulocytes and RBCs.

Protocol for identification of PNH-type granulocytes and RBCs.

(A) Forward and side scatter gates used to define granulocytes. (B) Expression of CD11b by gated cells from panel A. (C) Expression of CD55 and CD59 by CD11b+ granulocytes (defined in panel B) in patient 11. Percentage of PNH-type granulocytes (CD11b+CD55CD59granulocytes/total CD11b+ granulocytes) was 0.1%. (D) Glycophorin-A+ cell gate to define RBCs. (E) Expression of CD55 and CD59 by glycophorin-A+ RBCs (defined in panel D) in patient 11. Percentage of PNH-type RBCs (glycophorin-A+CD55CD59RBCs/total glycophorin-A+ RBCs) was 0.2%.

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