Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Relationship between surface coverage and maximum height of thrombi generated under high shear rate conditions from blood of normal controls, an AF patient, or a type 3 VWD patient. / Experimental conditions were as described in the Figure 1 legend, except that only a high shear rate (1500 s−1) was applied. Each data point represents the surface coverage and the maximum height of thrombi generated at 7 minutes of perfusion. Randomly selected 15 or 10 defined areas (211 × 317 μm each, see Figure 1 legend) were examined in normal controls or patients, respectively. Maximum thrombus height was based on the highest thrombus (distance from the collagen surface) within a defined area. The average (±SD) surface coverage and maximum height of thrombi in controls and in the AF patient were also indicated. The asterisk indicates statistically significant differences from control (P < .01). Note that the heights of AF thrombi were about half that of healthy controls, whereas surface coverages were comparable to normal.

Relationship between surface coverage and maximum height of thrombi generated under high shear rate conditions from blood of normal controls, an AF patient, or a type 3 VWD patient.

Experimental conditions were as described in the Figure 1 legend, except that only a high shear rate (1500 s−1) was applied. Each data point represents the surface coverage and the maximum height of thrombi generated at 7 minutes of perfusion. Randomly selected 15 or 10 defined areas (211 × 317 μm each, see Figure 1 legend) were examined in normal controls or patients, respectively. Maximum thrombus height was based on the highest thrombus (distance from the collagen surface) within a defined area. The average (±SD) surface coverage and maximum height of thrombi in controls and in the AF patient were also indicated. The asterisk indicates statistically significant differences from control (P < .01). Note that the heights of AF thrombi were about half that of healthy controls, whereas surface coverages were comparable to normal.

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