Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Colocalization of KLF6 and endoglin in arterial endothelial cells after carotid balloon injury in rats. / The distal half-carotid artery of rats was injured with a balloon catheter. At 0, 3, 12, 24, 48, and 168 hours after injury (as indicated beside each photo), the carotid was perfusion fixed with 3% paraformaldehyde, excised, and paraffin embedded. Sections were stained with antiendoglin (right panels) or anti-KLF6 (left panels), as described in “Materials and methods.” Panels show the staining pattern of the adjacent proximal half of the carotid artery. Arrows indicate staining of the endothelial layer and some scattered cells present in the tunica media. An inset in each panel represents the immunostaining at higher original magnification (× 1000), whereas the main figures are shown at × 200 original magnification. Bars represent 50 μm (main figures) or 1 μm (insets). Estimations of relative levels of KLF6 and endoglin at different time points are indicated below time markers.

Colocalization of KLF6 and endoglin in arterial endothelial cells after carotid balloon injury in rats.

The distal half-carotid artery of rats was injured with a balloon catheter. At 0, 3, 12, 24, 48, and 168 hours after injury (as indicated beside each photo), the carotid was perfusion fixed with 3% paraformaldehyde, excised, and paraffin embedded. Sections were stained with antiendoglin (right panels) or anti-KLF6 (left panels), as described in “Materials and methods.” Panels show the staining pattern of the adjacent proximal half of the carotid artery. Arrows indicate staining of the endothelial layer and some scattered cells present in the tunica media. An inset in each panel represents the immunostaining at higher original magnification (× 1000), whereas the main figures are shown at × 200 original magnification. Bars represent 50 μm (main figures) or 1 μm (insets). Estimations of relative levels of KLF6 and endoglin at different time points are indicated below time markers.

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