Figure 1.
Below on-therapy, on-therapy, and above on-therapy ranges for DOACs. Therapeutic ranges for the DOACs have not been established. In lieu of therapeutic ranges, we define the “on-therapy” range as the interval from the 5th percentile trough concentration to the 95th percentile peak concentration. Drug levels below this range may be regarded as “below on-therapy”, those exceeding this range as “above on-therapy”. Situations in which below or above on-therapy DOAC levels may be suspected are listed.

Below on-therapy, on-therapy, and above on-therapy ranges for DOACs. Therapeutic ranges for the DOACs have not been established. In lieu of therapeutic ranges, we define the “on-therapy” range as the interval from the 5th percentile trough concentration to the 95th percentile peak concentration. Drug levels below this range may be regarded as “below on-therapy”, those exceeding this range as “above on-therapy”. Situations in which below or above on-therapy DOAC levels may be suspected are listed.

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