Figure 1.
Figure 1. Network plots of included studies on the treatment of cancer-associated VTE. Nodes (blue dots) and edges (black connecting lines between nodes) are scaled according to the number of patients in the respective studies. Consequently, the larger the size of the respective trial(s), the larger the nodes and edges. (A) Pooled network as analyzed in the network meta-analysis. As indicated by the size of the nodes and edges, most evidence exists for VKAs, followed by LMWH and non-VCA oral anticoagulants (DOACs). (B) Full trial network showing individual LMWH and DOAC drugs. Again, the size of the nodes and edges is proportional to the size of the respective studies, and thus the amount of evidence for the drug within the trial network. The length of the edges does not convey information, and differences in edge lengths are simply for better graphical presentation. Reprinted with permission from Elsevier/Thrombosis Research.37

Network plots of included studies on the treatment of cancer-associated VTE. Nodes (blue dots) and edges (black connecting lines between nodes) are scaled according to the number of patients in the respective studies. Consequently, the larger the size of the respective trial(s), the larger the nodes and edges. (A) Pooled network as analyzed in the network meta-analysis. As indicated by the size of the nodes and edges, most evidence exists for VKAs, followed by LMWH and non-VCA oral anticoagulants (DOACs). (B) Full trial network showing individual LMWH and DOAC drugs. Again, the size of the nodes and edges is proportional to the size of the respective studies, and thus the amount of evidence for the drug within the trial network. The length of the edges does not convey information, and differences in edge lengths are simply for better graphical presentation. Reprinted with permission from Elsevier/Thrombosis Research.37 

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