Figure 3.
Comparison of ClinVar and MM-VCEP classifications. Fifty previously asserted and ClinVar-deposited RUNX1 variants are shown on the x-axis. Final MM-VCEP classifications are color-coded (see legend on the right). ClinVar variants with previous LPATH, CONF, and VUS assertions were most often reclassified by using MM-VCEP–specified rules for RUNX1.

Comparison of ClinVar and MM-VCEP classifications. Fifty previously asserted and ClinVar-deposited RUNX1 variants are shown on the x-axis. Final MM-VCEP classifications are color-coded (see legend on the right). ClinVar variants with previous LPATH, CONF, and VUS assertions were most often reclassified by using MM-VCEP–specified rules for RUNX1.

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