Figure 4.
SR1 CD7+ cells home to the thymus in vivo and have comparable homing capabilities to naive CD7+ cells. (A) Thymuses of SR1 CD7+ cell–injected mice were harvested after 4 weeks, and the percentage of live CD45+ cells and CD4 and CD8 are shown (n = 4). (B) A 1:1 mixture of flow cytometrically sorted ZsGreen+ naive CD7+ cells (3.0 × 105) and ZsGreen− (3.0 × 105) SR1 CD7+ cells were injected into nonirradiated NSG neonatal mice, and the thymuses were harvested and analyzed after 4 weeks (n = 3 mice for naive alone or naive plus SR1; n = 4 mice for SR1 alone). Flow cytometric analysis of human CD45 and ZsGreen cell surface expression on DAPI-negative (DAPI−) CD45+–gated cells. CD4 and CD8 expression are shown on CD45+ZsGreen+- and CD45+ZsGreen−-gated cells for naive CD7+ or SR1 CD7+–derived cells, respectively. (C) Percentage of ZsGreen− or ZsGreen+ cells as a proportion of total human CD45+ cells within the thymus for individual mice is shown. (D) Thymic cellularity for ZsGreen− or ZsGreen+ cells in transplanted mice, with error bars corresponding to standard error of the mean.

SR1 CD7+ cells home to the thymus in vivo and have comparable homing capabilities to naive CD7+ cells. (A) Thymuses of SR1 CD7+ cell–injected mice were harvested after 4 weeks, and the percentage of live CD45+ cells and CD4 and CD8 are shown (n = 4). (B) A 1:1 mixture of flow cytometrically sorted ZsGreen+ naive CD7+ cells (3.0 × 105) and ZsGreen (3.0 × 105) SR1 CD7+ cells were injected into nonirradiated NSG neonatal mice, and the thymuses were harvested and analyzed after 4 weeks (n = 3 mice for naive alone or naive plus SR1; n = 4 mice for SR1 alone). Flow cytometric analysis of human CD45 and ZsGreen cell surface expression on DAPI-negative (DAPI) CD45+–gated cells. CD4 and CD8 expression are shown on CD45+ZsGreen+- and CD45+ZsGreen-gated cells for naive CD7+ or SR1 CD7+–derived cells, respectively. (C) Percentage of ZsGreen or ZsGreen+ cells as a proportion of total human CD45+ cells within the thymus for individual mice is shown. (D) Thymic cellularity for ZsGreen or ZsGreen+ cells in transplanted mice, with error bars corresponding to standard error of the mean.

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