Figure 6
Figure 6. Quantitative RT-PCR of patients' brain MVs and HIV-1–exposed HBMECs. (A) Data showed similar pattern of HIV-1–induced up-regulation of mRNA for inflammatory cytokines, oxidative stress enzymes, ubiquitin-related genes, and the transcription factor RelB in tissue culture and patients' brain MVs. Both coculture of HBMECs with infected MDMs (B) and direct exposure of HBMECs to infectious viral particles (C) induced transcriptional up-regulation of STAT1. Data demonstrated similar pattern of HIV-1–induced transcriptional up-regulation of STAT1 and IL-6 in endothelial cell cultures and in brain MVs of infected humans (B-E). For coculture experiments, controls are untreated endothelial cells. Each group (control, NI, and HIV) had 3 replicate samples; each sample was tested in triplicate and normalized to its GAPDH. (*P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001.) NI indicates HBMECs cocultured with noninfected MDMs; HIV, HBMECs coculture with HIV-infected MDMs; HIV-neg, MVs from HIV-seronegative donors [donors N1 to N5]; HIV-pos, MVs from HIV + no HIVE donors [donors P1 to P4]; and HAD, MVs from HAD patients [donors HAD1 to HAD5]).

Quantitative RT-PCR of patients' brain MVs and HIV-1–exposed HBMECs. (A) Data showed similar pattern of HIV-1–induced up-regulation of mRNA for inflammatory cytokines, oxidative stress enzymes, ubiquitin-related genes, and the transcription factor RelB in tissue culture and patients' brain MVs. Both coculture of HBMECs with infected MDMs (B) and direct exposure of HBMECs to infectious viral particles (C) induced transcriptional up-regulation of STAT1. Data demonstrated similar pattern of HIV-1–induced transcriptional up-regulation of STAT1 and IL-6 in endothelial cell cultures and in brain MVs of infected humans (B-E). For coculture experiments, controls are untreated endothelial cells. Each group (control, NI, and HIV) had 3 replicate samples; each sample was tested in triplicate and normalized to its GAPDH. (*P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001.) NI indicates HBMECs cocultured with noninfected MDMs; HIV, HBMECs coculture with HIV-infected MDMs; HIV-neg, MVs from HIV-seronegative donors [donors N1 to N5]; HIV-pos, MVs from HIV + no HIVE donors [donors P1 to P4]; and HAD, MVs from HAD patients [donors HAD1 to HAD5]).

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