Figure 5
Figure 5. Enrichment of CIAS1-mutated monocytes from a CIAS1 mutation-negative patient. Flow cytometry analysis of PBMCs from patient 10 stimulated with cLPS for 2 hours (left panel), and chromatograms of the CIAS1 gene at position 1699 from each of the populations of cells (right panel). Numbers in each rectangle are the percentages of total cells.

Enrichment of CIAS1-mutated monocytes from a CIAS1 mutation-negative patient. Flow cytometry analysis of PBMCs from patient 10 stimulated with cLPS for 2 hours (left panel), and chromatograms of the CIAS1 gene at position 1699 from each of the populations of cells (right panel). Numbers in each rectangle are the percentages of total cells.

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