Figure 1
Figure 1. AE associates with the POLE and OGG1 promoters and promotes DNA damage accumulation. (A) Graphic of the 5′ regulatory regions of the OGG1 and POLE genes. Black ovals represent RUNX1-binding sites; arrows indicate orientation. Numbers represent distance between the indicated regions, in base pairs. (B) RUNX1-binding sites were amplified by PCR after chromatin immunoprecipitation. The RUNX1 site present in the p14ARF promoter was used as a positive control. Water was used as a negative control. One percent of lysate input used for immunoprecipitation (IP) is amplified as an additional control. Control IP has no Ab and specific IP was with anti-HA Ab (AE contains the HA epitope). (C) MIT and AE cells were stained for the DNA damage marker γH2A.X; nuclei are stained with DAPI. (D) Cells positive for γH2A.X were scored in 4 control, 4 AE, and 3 MLL-AF9 cultures. (E) Percentage of cells with DNA damage in 3 pairs of AE and control MIT cultures during the first 5 weeks after transduction. (F) Cells from samples in panel E were cultured under 2.6% oxygen starting at week 2 after transduction. Percentage of cells positive for γH2A.X was scored at weeks 3 and 5 after transduction. Error bars represent SD. (G) Amount of reactive oxygen species was measured by flow cytometry in AE and MIT cultures stained with H2DCFDA probe. MIT cells treated with 300 μM H2O2 for 20 minutes were used as a positive control. The staining was repeated multiple times with no consistent difference between the 2 cultures.

AE associates with the POLE and OGG1 promoters and promotes DNA damage accumulation. (A) Graphic of the 5′ regulatory regions of the OGG1 and POLE genes. Black ovals represent RUNX1-binding sites; arrows indicate orientation. Numbers represent distance between the indicated regions, in base pairs. (B) RUNX1-binding sites were amplified by PCR after chromatin immunoprecipitation. The RUNX1 site present in the p14ARF promoter was used as a positive control. Water was used as a negative control. One percent of lysate input used for immunoprecipitation (IP) is amplified as an additional control. Control IP has no Ab and specific IP was with anti-HA Ab (AE contains the HA epitope). (C) MIT and AE cells were stained for the DNA damage marker γH2A.X; nuclei are stained with DAPI. (D) Cells positive for γH2A.X were scored in 4 control, 4 AE, and 3 MLL-AF9 cultures. (E) Percentage of cells with DNA damage in 3 pairs of AE and control MIT cultures during the first 5 weeks after transduction. (F) Cells from samples in panel E were cultured under 2.6% oxygen starting at week 2 after transduction. Percentage of cells positive for γH2A.X was scored at weeks 3 and 5 after transduction. Error bars represent SD. (G) Amount of reactive oxygen species was measured by flow cytometry in AE and MIT cultures stained with H2DCFDA probe. MIT cells treated with 300 μM H2O2 for 20 minutes were used as a positive control. The staining was repeated multiple times with no consistent difference between the 2 cultures.

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