Figure 3
Figure 3. Iron deficiency, hypoxia, and iron overload control soluble HJV production through the regulation of furin. (A) Transfected HeLa cells were incubated for 8 hours in serum-free media in the presence of 300 μM DFO. Total lysates and concentrated media (50 μg) were analyzed using anti-HJV, anti-furin, and anti–HIF-1α. α-Tubulin was used to verify equal loading. The histogram indicates the FUR promoter activity, expressed as a fold induction of the luciferase reporter gene normalized on the empty vector. The Renilla activity was used to verify the transfection efficiency. Experiments were replicated 3 times. (B, top panel) Scheme of the experiment shown in the bottom panel. (B, bottom panel) Cells were treated with DFO, to activate HIF-1α, in the presence (+) or absence (−) of 50 μM CMK, to inhibit furin. Total lysates and concentrated media (50 μg) were analyzed by Western blot, using anti-HJV. The relative molecular mass, in kilodaltons, is indicated on the left. (C,D) Transfected cells were treated with 500 μM CoCl2 (C) or 100 μM FAC (D) for 24 hours and analyzed as indicated in panel A. U indicates untreated; DFO, deferoxamine; CoCl2, cobalt chloride; FAC, ferric ammonium citrate; s-HJV, soluble HJV; c-HJV, cell-associated HJV; and CMK, decanoyl-Arg-Val-Lys-Arg-chloromethylketone. Error bars indicate SD. *P < .01. **P < .005. ***P < .001.

Iron deficiency, hypoxia, and iron overload control soluble HJV production through the regulation of furin. (A) Transfected HeLa cells were incubated for 8 hours in serum-free media in the presence of 300 μM DFO. Total lysates and concentrated media (50 μg) were analyzed using anti-HJV, anti-furin, and anti–HIF-1α. α-Tubulin was used to verify equal loading. The histogram indicates the FUR promoter activity, expressed as a fold induction of the luciferase reporter gene normalized on the empty vector. The Renilla activity was used to verify the transfection efficiency. Experiments were replicated 3 times. (B, top panel) Scheme of the experiment shown in the bottom panel. (B, bottom panel) Cells were treated with DFO, to activate HIF-1α, in the presence (+) or absence (−) of 50 μM CMK, to inhibit furin. Total lysates and concentrated media (50 μg) were analyzed by Western blot, using anti-HJV. The relative molecular mass, in kilodaltons, is indicated on the left. (C,D) Transfected cells were treated with 500 μM CoCl2 (C) or 100 μM FAC (D) for 24 hours and analyzed as indicated in panel A. U indicates untreated; DFO, deferoxamine; CoCl2, cobalt chloride; FAC, ferric ammonium citrate; s-HJV, soluble HJV; c-HJV, cell-associated HJV; and CMK, decanoyl-Arg-Val-Lys-Arg-chloromethylketone. Error bars indicate SD. *P < .01. **P < .005. ***P < .001.

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