Figure 1
Figure 1. Outline of study and treatment demographics. (A) Simplified overall schema of the study. MUD indicates matched unrelated donor transplantation; HD MTX, high-dose methotrexate. (B) Patient flow diagram. All randomized patients with the exception of 2 misdiagnoses were included in the comparison of autologous transplantation and chemotherapy. A large number of patients were lost, as in all transplantation studies, in the period from initial accrual to randomization. Only Ph-negative patients were eligible for the intent-to-treat donor versus no-donor analysis as Ph-positive patients without a donor were to have unrelated donor transplantation if possible.

Outline of study and treatment demographics. (A) Simplified overall schema of the study. MUD indicates matched unrelated donor transplantation; HD MTX, high-dose methotrexate. (B) Patient flow diagram. All randomized patients with the exception of 2 misdiagnoses were included in the comparison of autologous transplantation and chemotherapy. A large number of patients were lost, as in all transplantation studies, in the period from initial accrual to randomization. Only Ph-negative patients were eligible for the intent-to-treat donor versus no-donor analysis as Ph-positive patients without a donor were to have unrelated donor transplantation if possible.

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