Figure 6
Primitive hematopoietic cells from Vav-Cre Rb KO animals are impaired in cell-cycle exit upon replicative stress. BM cells were pulse-labeled with BrdU in vivo, and the frequency of HPCs (L−S−K+ cells) and HSCs (L−S+K+) in the G0/G1, S, and G2/M phases of the cell division cycle was analyzed by flow cytometry after 5-FU treatment (150 mg/kg) at (A) 16 hours (n = 3 for both control and Vav-Cre Rb KO) and (B) 4 days (n = 9 for both control and Vav-Cre Rb KO). (C) Frequency of HPCs (L−S−K+) and HSCs (L−S+K+) undergoing apoptosis in control and Vav-Cre Rb KO animals either 16 hours or 4 days after 5-FU treatment, determined by staining for annexin V and 7AAD by flow cytometry (n = at least 3 for each data point). Shown are mean values plus or minus 1 SEM; *P < .05.

Primitive hematopoietic cells from Vav-Cre Rb KO animals are impaired in cell-cycle exit upon replicative stress. BM cells were pulse-labeled with BrdU in vivo, and the frequency of HPCs (LSK+ cells) and HSCs (LS+K+) in the G0/G1, S, and G2/M phases of the cell division cycle was analyzed by flow cytometry after 5-FU treatment (150 mg/kg) at (A) 16 hours (n = 3 for both control and Vav-Cre Rb KO) and (B) 4 days (n = 9 for both control and Vav-Cre Rb KO). (C) Frequency of HPCs (LSK+) and HSCs (LS+K+) undergoing apoptosis in control and Vav-Cre Rb KO animals either 16 hours or 4 days after 5-FU treatment, determined by staining for annexin V and 7AAD by flow cytometry (n = at least 3 for each data point). Shown are mean values plus or minus 1 SEM; *P < .05.

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