Figure 4
Figure 4. Decreased CD4+ T-cell priming in vivo by migrating WAS KO DCs. (A) Administration of OVA-pulsed WAS KO DCs primed less CD4+ T cells in vivo, as determined by in vitro proliferation and (B) IFN-γ production. Data in panel A are representative of 2 independent experiments with 3 mice each receiving C57BL/6 DC and 3 mice each receiving WAS KO DCs; averages plus or minus SEM are shown. Data in panel B represent the averages plus or minus SEM of 6 mice per group.

Decreased CD4+ T-cell priming in vivo by migrating WAS KO DCs. (A) Administration of OVA-pulsed WAS KO DCs primed less CD4+ T cells in vivo, as determined by in vitro proliferation and (B) IFN-γ production. Data in panel A are representative of 2 independent experiments with 3 mice each receiving C57BL/6 DC and 3 mice each receiving WAS KO DCs; averages plus or minus SEM are shown. Data in panel B represent the averages plus or minus SEM of 6 mice per group.

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