Figure 1
Figure 1. Decreased in vitro migration of WAS KO DCs in vitro. (A) Chemotaxis of immature WAS KO DCs toward CCL3 was reduced when assessed with transwells; c-CCL3 indicates chemokine control (chemokine in both upper and lower compartment). (B) Similarly using Dunn chambers, WAS KO show reduced DC motility. Chemokine receptor engagement does increase motility of WAS KO DCs, but to a lesser degree. (C) Cytoskeletal rearrangements measured as an index of the area and perimeter of individual cells is impaired in WAS KO DCs. Transwell migration (A) shows average plus or minus SEM of 4 mice per group and Dunn chamber migration; (B) averages plus or minus SEM of at least 10 cells responding to medium and at least 40 cells responding to CCL3 from 2 independent experiments are shown. Spreading (C) is shown as averages plus or minus SEM of at least 13 cells from both strains.

Decreased in vitro migration of WAS KO DCs in vitro. (A) Chemotaxis of immature WAS KO DCs toward CCL3 was reduced when assessed with transwells; c-CCL3 indicates chemokine control (chemokine in both upper and lower compartment). (B) Similarly using Dunn chambers, WAS KO show reduced DC motility. Chemokine receptor engagement does increase motility of WAS KO DCs, but to a lesser degree. (C) Cytoskeletal rearrangements measured as an index of the area and perimeter of individual cells is impaired in WAS KO DCs. Transwell migration (A) shows average plus or minus SEM of 4 mice per group and Dunn chamber migration; (B) averages plus or minus SEM of at least 10 cells responding to medium and at least 40 cells responding to CCL3 from 2 independent experiments are shown. Spreading (C) is shown as averages plus or minus SEM of at least 13 cells from both strains.

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