Figure 1A
Figure 1A. Green box indicates low risk SCD with a PPV of two-year mortality of <10%. Yellow box is moderate risk SCD with a PPV of two-year mortality of 10% to 15%. Red box is high risk SCD with a PPV of two-year mortality of > 15%. / Figure 1B: Red: Patients at highest risk for 2-year (15%) mortality (red boxes, Figure 1A) may be considered for all risk category HSCTs including alternate donors with which there is no published data in adults (e.g. cord blood).

Green box indicates low risk SCD with a PPV of two-year mortality of <10%. Yellow box is moderate risk SCD with a PPV of two-year mortality of 10% to 15%. Red box is high risk SCD with a PPV of two-year mortality of > 15%.

Figure 1B:Red: Patients at highest risk for 2-year (15%) mortality (red boxes, Figure 1A) may be considered for all risk category HSCTs including alternate donors with which there is no published data in adults (e.g. cord blood).

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