Figure 1
Figure 1. Visual predictive check of alemtuzumab PK model developed using pediatric data. / Circles: observed plasma concentrations; solid gray lines: lower (5th), middle (50th, median) and upper (95th) percentiles of the observed data; dot-dashed black lines, 5th, 50th, 95thpercentiles of the predicted data; shaded areas, confidence intervals around the prediction intervals in each bin.

Visual predictive check of alemtuzumab PK model developed using pediatric data

Circles: observed plasma concentrations; solid gray lines: lower (5th), middle (50th, median) and upper (95th) percentiles of the observed data; dot-dashed black lines, 5th, 50th, 95thpercentiles of the predicted data; shaded areas, confidence intervals around the prediction intervals in each bin.

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