Figure 2.
Influence of dosing time interval and dose by cohort. (A-B) Study 103. LDH over time by patient. Dotted lines delineate the following LDH categories: normal, 53 to <234; 1× to 1.5× ULN, 234 to 351; >1.5× to 2× ULN, 352 to 468; >2× ULN, > 469. (C) Study 201. Mean (95% confidence interval) LDH over time. Doses shown for each cohort are maintenance doses. Green arrows represent the primary efficacy end point.

Influence of dosing time interval and dose by cohort. (A-B) Study 103. LDH over time by patient. Dotted lines delineate the following LDH categories: normal, 53 to <234; 1× to 1.5× ULN, 234 to 351; >1.5× to 2× ULN, 352 to 468; >2× ULN, > 469. (C) Study 201. Mean (95% confidence interval) LDH over time. Doses shown for each cohort are maintenance doses. Green arrows represent the primary efficacy end point.

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