Figure 2.
Figure 2. Biochemical and immunological kinetics after allo–/auto–CAR-T-cell infusions. (A) Kinetics of hematologic correlates and body temperature. After allo–CAR-T-cell infusions, the body temperature (Temp.) and white blood cell (WBC) count fluctuated continuously, and the platelet count increased gradually. The hemoglobin (HGB) remained steady, and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) went up correlated with inflammatory response and tumor reduction. (B) The kinetics of IgA and IgM. (C) The kinetics of inflammatory cytokines. The plasma levels of various cytokines were determined by CBA bead array. (D) The kinetics of BM lymphocytes (BM%) and CAR-T cells (CART%). After allo–CAR-T and auto–CAR-T infusions, BM lymphocytes rapidly dropped as did leukemic cell burden, which elicited PR and CR, respectively. The reduction of leukemic cells correlated with CAR-T–cell expansion.

Biochemical and immunological kinetics after allo–/auto–CAR-T-cell infusions. (A) Kinetics of hematologic correlates and body temperature. After allo–CAR-T-cell infusions, the body temperature (Temp.) and white blood cell (WBC) count fluctuated continuously, and the platelet count increased gradually. The hemoglobin (HGB) remained steady, and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) went up correlated with inflammatory response and tumor reduction. (B) The kinetics of IgA and IgM. (C) The kinetics of inflammatory cytokines. The plasma levels of various cytokines were determined by CBA bead array. (D) The kinetics of BM lymphocytes (BM%) and CAR-T cells (CART%). After allo–CAR-T and auto–CAR-T infusions, BM lymphocytes rapidly dropped as did leukemic cell burden, which elicited PR and CR, respectively. The reduction of leukemic cells correlated with CAR-T–cell expansion.

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