Figure 2.
OS for subjects achieving remission in the CHRYSALIS study (ASP2215-CL-0101) according to detectable MRD. Kaplan-Meier analysis of survival for subjects treated with FLT3-inhibitory doses of gilteritinib (ASP2215) who achieved a CR, CRi, or CRp, according to the presence or absence of MRD detected by the NGS-MRD assay after treatment. MRD is defined as FLT3-ITD VAF ≥10−4. CI, confidence interval; NA, not achieved.

OS for subjects achieving remission in the CHRYSALIS study (ASP2215-CL-0101) according to detectable MRD. Kaplan-Meier analysis of survival for subjects treated with FLT3-inhibitory doses of gilteritinib (ASP2215) who achieved a CR, CRi, or CRp, according to the presence or absence of MRD detected by the NGS-MRD assay after treatment. MRD is defined as FLT3-ITD VAF ≥10−4. CI, confidence interval; NA, not achieved.

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