Figure 4.
Epoch analysis of trends in incidence of relapse/progression, NRM, and PFS from 1995 to 1999, 2000 to 2004, 2005 to 2010, and 2011 to 2015 (all indications). Data for 100-day NRM and 3-year NRM, RI, PFS, and OS, respectively, were: 1994-1999: 6.4%, 7.1%, 52.2%, 40.6%, and 87%; 2000-2004: 3.7%, 5.6%, 39.3%, 55.1%, and 88.4%; 2005-2010: 3.2%, 4.9%, 32.2% 62.9%, and 89.6%; and 2011-2015: 1.3%, 3%, 34.2% 62.8%, and 90.3%. CI, confidence interval.

Epoch analysis of trends in incidence of relapse/progression, NRM, and PFS from 1995 to 1999, 2000 to 2004, 2005 to 2010, and 2011 to 2015 (all indications). Data for 100-day NRM and 3-year NRM, RI, PFS, and OS, respectively, were: 1994-1999: 6.4%, 7.1%, 52.2%, 40.6%, and 87%; 2000-2004: 3.7%, 5.6%, 39.3%, 55.1%, and 88.4%; 2005-2010: 3.2%, 4.9%, 32.2% 62.9%, and 89.6%; and 2011-2015: 1.3%, 3%, 34.2% 62.8%, and 90.3%. CI, confidence interval.

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