Figure 4.
Figure 4. Intracellular cleavage of VWF calcium mutants in HUVECs. VWF-A2 FRET proteins were collected and concentrated from HUVEC culture supernatant. These proteins were either incubated in buffer with 1.6M urea alone or buffer with urea and 8 U/mL ADAMTS13 at 37°C for 4 hours. Monoclonal anti-VWF-A2-C-domain antibody (MAB2764, R&D Systems) was used for probing the western blot. Results show that R1597W is completely cleaved and D1498M is mostly cleaved, even in the absence of exogenous ADAMTS13 addition.

Intracellular cleavage of VWF calcium mutants in HUVECs. VWF-A2 FRET proteins were collected and concentrated from HUVEC culture supernatant. These proteins were either incubated in buffer with 1.6M urea alone or buffer with urea and 8 U/mL ADAMTS13 at 37°C for 4 hours. Monoclonal anti-VWF-A2-C-domain antibody (MAB2764, R&D Systems) was used for probing the western blot. Results show that R1597W is completely cleaved and D1498M is mostly cleaved, even in the absence of exogenous ADAMTS13 addition.

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