Figure 3.
Gene expression analysis of hematopoietic transcription factors in 10.5-dpc IACs. (A) Gene expression analysis of WT and Twist1+/− IACs, as assessed by microarray. Normalized signals of indicated transcription factors are shown. Fold change was calculated by dividing the normalized signal from Twist+/− IACs by the normalized signal in WT IACs. Among factors analyzed, Myb and Gata2 were downregulated in Twist1+/− IACs. (B) Validation of microarray data. RNA from sorted c-Kit+CD31+CD34+ cells was extracted from 10.5-dpc AGM tissue of mice of indicated genotypes, and gene expression was assessed by real-time PCR using TaqMan probes. Comparative expression levels were calculated using the 2−ΔΔCT method. WT IAC sample served as a reference. Data shown are means ± SD of technical triplicate samples.

Gene expression analysis of hematopoietic transcription factors in 10.5-dpc IACs. (A) Gene expression analysis of WT and Twist1+/− IACs, as assessed by microarray. Normalized signals of indicated transcription factors are shown. Fold change was calculated by dividing the normalized signal from Twist+/− IACs by the normalized signal in WT IACs. Among factors analyzed, Myb and Gata2 were downregulated in Twist1+/− IACs. (B) Validation of microarray data. RNA from sorted c-Kit+CD31+CD34+ cells was extracted from 10.5-dpc AGM tissue of mice of indicated genotypes, and gene expression was assessed by real-time PCR using TaqMan probes. Comparative expression levels were calculated using the 2−ΔΔCT method. WT IAC sample served as a reference. Data shown are means ± SD of technical triplicate samples.

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