Figure 3.
Figure 3. Summary of total O-glycosylation of coagulation factors and inhibitors. Protein schematics illustrating the location of O-glycosites relative to Uniprot domains on coagulation factors and inhibitors. The total number of unambiguous sites is indicated in brackets on the right. Sites identified in native (“in vivo”) samples in either this study or prior publications are indicated by a yellow square. Sites identified on recombinant proteins or in immortalized cell lines are indicated by a stroke. Many sites are located at the N-termini of the protein, or within processed regions (either propeptides, regions cleaved for activation, or on activation peptides). This is exemplified by the extensive glycosylation of the activation peptide of FV, but is also evident on the majority of proteins shown above. EGF, epidermal growth factor; TIL, trypsin inhibitor-like.

Summary of total O-glycosylation of coagulation factors and inhibitors. Protein schematics illustrating the location of O-glycosites relative to Uniprot domains on coagulation factors and inhibitors. The total number of unambiguous sites is indicated in brackets on the right. Sites identified in native (“in vivo”) samples in either this study or prior publications are indicated by a yellow square. Sites identified on recombinant proteins or in immortalized cell lines are indicated by a stroke. Many sites are located at the N-termini of the protein, or within processed regions (either propeptides, regions cleaved for activation, or on activation peptides). This is exemplified by the extensive glycosylation of the activation peptide of FV, but is also evident on the majority of proteins shown above. EGF, epidermal growth factor; TIL, trypsin inhibitor-like.

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