Figure 3.
Figure 3. Oxidase activity following Cre excision. Analysis of DHR oxidase activity in myeloid differentiated iPSC lines following Cre-mediated recombination excision of the puromycin cassette. Shown are analyses of corrected iPSC lines (P47-04C2,4,5-Cre GT exon 2 corrected; P47-04-C1M-Cre minigene corrected) compared with uncorrected (P47-04), healthy control iPSCs, or healthy control peripheral blood. The DHR assay, gating for MFI assessment, and donor target assessment are as described in the Figure 2D legend.

Oxidase activity following Cre excision. Analysis of DHR oxidase activity in myeloid differentiated iPSC lines following Cre-mediated recombination excision of the puromycin cassette. Shown are analyses of corrected iPSC lines (P47-04C2,4,5-Cre GT exon 2 corrected; P47-04-C1M-Cre minigene corrected) compared with uncorrected (P47-04), healthy control iPSCs, or healthy control peripheral blood. The DHR assay, gating for MFI assessment, and donor target assessment are as described in the Figure 2D legend.

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