Figure 1.
Figure 1. Crystal structure of μPlm inhibitor binary complexes. Tripodal structures of (A) YO-2 along with the functional groups TXA, tyrosine (Tyr), octylamide, and pyridinylmethyl and (D) PSI-112 with the functional group quinolinylmethyl. The center panels show major interactions of (B) YO-2 and (E) PSI-112 with μPlm (supplemental Figures 1 and 4; supplemental Tables 2 and 3). YO-2 and PSI-112 are shown as sticks and colored in magenta, waters are depicted as spheres (red), and H-bonds are shown as black dotted lines. Also shown are electrostatic potential surfaces (blue, basic; red, acidic) with the 2Fo-Fc omit maps (mesh, dark gray) of (C) μPlm/YO-2 and (F) μPlm/PSI-112 with subsites marked (S1-S3 and S1′-S3′). Data collection and refinement statistics are provided in supplemental Table 1. Protein Data Bank identifiers of the complex structures are 5UGD for YO-2 and 5UGG for PSI-112.

Crystal structure of μPlm inhibitor binary complexes. Tripodal structures of (A) YO-2 along with the functional groups TXA, tyrosine (Tyr), octylamide, and pyridinylmethyl and (D) PSI-112 with the functional group quinolinylmethyl. The center panels show major interactions of (B) YO-2 and (E) PSI-112 with μPlm (supplemental Figures 1 and 4; supplemental Tables 2 and 3). YO-2 and PSI-112 are shown as sticks and colored in magenta, waters are depicted as spheres (red), and H-bonds are shown as black dotted lines. Also shown are electrostatic potential surfaces (blue, basic; red, acidic) with the 2Fo-Fc omit maps (mesh, dark gray) of (C) μPlm/YO-2 and (F) μPlm/PSI-112 with subsites marked (S1-S3 and S1′-S3′). Data collection and refinement statistics are provided in supplemental Table 1. Protein Data Bank identifiers of the complex structures are 5UGD for YO-2 and 5UGG for PSI-112.

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