Figure Legend.
Figure Legend. Mean test results in log units by group (A: Suppressed-Green, B: Activated- Blue), cycle (1, 2) and day (1, 8, 15) for WBC (panel A), HgB (panel B), Platelets (panel C), and ANC (panel D). Pts received pretreatment with ATO before cycle 2. Significant group differences (p<0.05) are indicated with asterisks.

Mean test results in log units by group (A: Suppressed-Green, B: Activated- Blue), cycle (1, 2) and day (1, 8, 15) for WBC (panel A), HgB (panel B), Platelets (panel C), and ANC (panel D). Pts received pretreatment with ATO before cycle 2. Significant group differences (p<0.05) are indicated with asterisks.

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