Kuypers Figure 1.
Kuypers Figure 1. The red cell membrane bilayer. Phospholipid molecular species move rapidly in the plane as well as across the bilayer in a dynamic but highly organized fashion. Areas are enriched in certain lipids essential for proper protein function, and phospholipids are asymmetrically distributed across the lipid bilayer, with the amino phospholipids (PS and PE) on the inside and choline containing phospholipids (PC and SM) on the outside.

The red cell membrane bilayer. Phospholipid molecular species move rapidly in the plane as well as across the bilayer in a dynamic but highly organized fashion. Areas are enriched in certain lipids essential for proper protein function, and phospholipids are asymmetrically distributed across the lipid bilayer, with the amino phospholipids (PS and PE) on the inside and choline containing phospholipids (PC and SM) on the outside.

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