Figure 5
Expressing a C/EBP-ε mRNA unaffected by miR-130a partially restores the phenotype of the pEGP-miR-130a clone. (A) Western blot analysis showing C/EBP-ε protein expression in the pEGP-control clone after transduction with pMIG and the pEGP-miR-130a clone after transduction with either pMIG or pMIG-CEBPE-CDS. (B) Relative expression levels of Cebpe, Ltf, Camp, and Lcn2 mRNAs in the same cells as in (A) measured by real-time PCR. Error bars indicate SD between 3 measurements. (C) Cell cycle profile in the pEGP-miR-130a clone after transduction with either pMIG or pMIG-CEBPE-CDS at 0 and 48 hours posttransduction. (D) Flow analysis of surface marker CD11b. (E) Cytospins showing the pEGP-control-pMIG and the pEGP-miR-130a after transduction with either pMIG or pMIG-CEBPE-CDS stained with May-Grünwald Giemsa; scale bars = 20 μm. Photographed as in Figure 4.

Expressing a C/EBP-ε mRNA unaffected by miR-130a partially restores the phenotype of the pEGP-miR-130a clone. (A) Western blot analysis showing C/EBP-ε protein expression in the pEGP-control clone after transduction with pMIG and the pEGP-miR-130a clone after transduction with either pMIG or pMIG-CEBPE-CDS. (B) Relative expression levels of Cebpe, Ltf, Camp, and Lcn2 mRNAs in the same cells as in (A) measured by real-time PCR. Error bars indicate SD between 3 measurements. (C) Cell cycle profile in the pEGP-miR-130a clone after transduction with either pMIG or pMIG-CEBPE-CDS at 0 and 48 hours posttransduction. (D) Flow analysis of surface marker CD11b. (E) Cytospins showing the pEGP-control-pMIG and the pEGP-miR-130a after transduction with either pMIG or pMIG-CEBPE-CDS stained with May-Grünwald Giemsa; scale bars = 20 μm. Photographed as in Figure 4.

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