Figure 5
Figure 5. The Udu gene encodes a putative transcriptional modulator. (A) The Udu protein contains 6 conserved regions: CR-1, CR-2, CR-3, PAH-L1, PAH-L2, and SANT-L. (B) Protein sequence alignment of SANT-L domain between zebrafish Udu (top, fish-Udu, 1947-2039 aa) and mouse Udu homolog GON4L (1UG2 A). (C-F) Lateral views of o-dianisidine staining of 2-dpf wild-type (C), Udusq1−/− embryo (D), the Udusq1−/− embryo injected with udu-wt RNA (E), and the Udusq1−/− embryo injected with udu-ΔSANT-L RNA (F). The embryos in panels C-F are in lateral views with anterior to the left. Arrows in panels C and E indicate o-dianisidine–stained red blood cells. (G) PI staining of the pcDNA3.1/udu-wt–transfected COS7 cells. (H) Immunohistochemistry staining of the pcDNA3.1/udu-wt–transfected COS7 cells with the anti-Udu polyclonal antibody. (I) Superimposed image of panels G and H. Scale bars in panels G-I represent 10 μm.

The Udu gene encodes a putative transcriptional modulator. (A) The Udu protein contains 6 conserved regions: CR-1, CR-2, CR-3, PAH-L1, PAH-L2, and SANT-L. (B) Protein sequence alignment of SANT-L domain between zebrafish Udu (top, fish-Udu, 1947-2039 aa) and mouse Udu homolog GON4L (1UG2 A). (C-F) Lateral views of o-dianisidine staining of 2-dpf wild-type (C), Udusq1−/− embryo (D), the Udusq1−/− embryo injected with udu-wt RNA (E), and the Udusq1−/− embryo injected with udu-ΔSANT-L RNA (F). The embryos in panels C-F are in lateral views with anterior to the left. Arrows in panels C and E indicate o-dianisidine–stained red blood cells. (G) PI staining of the pcDNA3.1/udu-wt–transfected COS7 cells. (H) Immunohistochemistry staining of the pcDNA3.1/udu-wt–transfected COS7 cells with the anti-Udu polyclonal antibody. (I) Superimposed image of panels G and H. Scale bars in panels G-I represent 10 μm.

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