Figure 3
Figure 3. Effect of bortezomib on bone formation in MM patients. Histomorphometry and Runx2/Cbfa1 immunostaining performed on BM biopsies of 21 MM patients before and after 6 to 8 cycles of bortezomib in monotherapy according to the schedule described in the “Patients, materials, and methods.” The graphs and bars represent the mean plus SD of the number of osteoblasts (OBs)/mm2 and the percentage of Runx2/Cbfa1-positive OBs (A). Runx2/Cbfa1 immunostaining performed in a trabecula of 2 representative MM patients who responded or not to bortezomib treatment (original magnification, × 200; small insert, × 400) (B). Goldner trichrome–stained sections from a representative MM responder patient. (Microscope used was an Olympus B × 60 F5 equipped with a UPlan F: 100×/1.30 oil iris, WH10×/22. An Olympus DP10 digital microscope camera system was used for image acquisition (original magnification, × 200) (C).

Effect of bortezomib on bone formation in MM patients. Histomorphometry and Runx2/Cbfa1 immunostaining performed on BM biopsies of 21 MM patients before and after 6 to 8 cycles of bortezomib in monotherapy according to the schedule described in the “Patients, materials, and methods.” The graphs and bars represent the mean plus SD of the number of osteoblasts (OBs)/mm2 and the percentage of Runx2/Cbfa1-positive OBs (A). Runx2/Cbfa1 immunostaining performed in a trabecula of 2 representative MM patients who responded or not to bortezomib treatment (original magnification, × 200; small insert, × 400) (B). Goldner trichrome–stained sections from a representative MM responder patient. (Microscope used was an Olympus B × 60 F5 equipped with a UPlan F: 100×/1.30 oil iris, WH10×/22. An Olympus DP10 digital microscope camera system was used for image acquisition (original magnification, × 200) (C).

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