Figure 5.
Figure 5. Genetic analysis. (A) DNA mutations and consequences on the protein level for the AP3B1 mutation identified in exon 8 and the RAB27a mutation in exon 2. NM indicates the reference sequences. (B) Pedigree of the family illustrating the genetic status for the RAB27a and the AP3B1 mutations. (C) Location of the new mutation relative to the previously identified mutations.

Genetic analysis. (A) DNA mutations and consequences on the protein level for the AP3B1 mutation identified in exon 8 and the RAB27a mutation in exon 2. NM indicates the reference sequences. (B) Pedigree of the family illustrating the genetic status for the RAB27a and the AP3B1 mutations. (C) Location of the new mutation relative to the previously identified mutations.

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