Figure 1.
Figure 1. Redirection of differentiation from macrophage to megakaryocytic lineages induced by GATA-2. (A) May-Giemsa and AchE staining of cells at day 9. (B) Surface expression patterns of Mac-1, GPV, and TER-119 at day 9. Addition of M-CSF and induction of GATA-2 expression occurred at the times indicated.

Redirection of differentiation from macrophage to megakaryocytic lineages induced by GATA-2. (A) May-Giemsa and AchE staining of cells at day 9. (B) Surface expression patterns of Mac-1, GPV, and TER-119 at day 9. Addition of M-CSF and induction of GATA-2 expression occurred at the times indicated.

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