Figure 6.
Figure 6. NK cell–mediated cell lysis of primary MM cells is enhanced through ULBP2-BB4. (A-D) Primary malignant plasma cell samples from 3 patients (A-C) or peripheral blood lymphocytes from a healthy donor (D) were used as target cells for an europium release assay with purified NK cells in different effector-target ratios in the presence of ULBP2-BB4 or BB4. (E) The killing of malignant plasma cells of patient no. 3 was determined (effector-target ratio, 10:1) with or without blocking of the NKG2D receptor using an α-NKG2D antibody. Note that the NK cells used in panels A-E are derived from independent donors. Lysis rates were measured in triplicate, and the means with standard deviation are indicated.

NK cell–mediated cell lysis of primary MM cells is enhanced through ULBP2-BB4. (A-D) Primary malignant plasma cell samples from 3 patients (A-C) or peripheral blood lymphocytes from a healthy donor (D) were used as target cells for an europium release assay with purified NK cells in different effector-target ratios in the presence of ULBP2-BB4 or BB4. (E) The killing of malignant plasma cells of patient no. 3 was determined (effector-target ratio, 10:1) with or without blocking of the NKG2D receptor using an α-NKG2D antibody. Note that the NK cells used in panels A-E are derived from independent donors. Lysis rates were measured in triplicate, and the means with standard deviation are indicated.

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