Figure 4.
Figure 4. Summary of human cell repopulation in mice that received transplants of ALDHhiCD133-Lin- or ALDHhiCD133+Lin- cells. A summary of the level of human engraftment in the BM (A-B), spleen (C-D), and peripheral blood (E-F) of NOD/SCID β2M-null mice (A,C,E; n = 33) or NOD/SCID mice (B,D,F; n = 41) that received transplants of purified 5 × 104 to 4 × 105 ALDHhiCD133-Lin- (▪) or 2 × 102 to 105 purified ALDHhiCD133+Lin- (•) cells. Horizontal bars represent the average level of human engraftment (mean ± SEM) at 104 or 105 injected cells. The frequency of BM repopulating cells by LDA was 1 SRC in 485 ALDHhiCD133+Lin- cells in the NOD/SCID β2M-null mouse or 1 SRC in 16 064 ALDHhiCD133+Lin- in the NOD/SCID mouse. Mice received transplants of the purified cells from 34 cord blood donors.

Summary of human cell repopulation in mice that received transplants of ALDHhiCD133-Lin- or ALDHhiCD133+Lin- cells. A summary of the level of human engraftment in the BM (A-B), spleen (C-D), and peripheral blood (E-F) of NOD/SCID β2M-null mice (A,C,E; n = 33) or NOD/SCID mice (B,D,F; n = 41) that received transplants of purified 5 × 104 to 4 × 105 ALDHhiCD133-Lin- (▪) or 2 × 102 to 105 purified ALDHhiCD133+Lin- (•) cells. Horizontal bars represent the average level of human engraftment (mean ± SEM) at 104 or 105 injected cells. The frequency of BM repopulating cells by LDA was 1 SRC in 485 ALDHhiCD133+Lin- cells in the NOD/SCID β2M-null mouse or 1 SRC in 16 064 ALDHhiCD133+Lin- in the NOD/SCID mouse. Mice received transplants of the purified cells from 34 cord blood donors.

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