Figure 1.
Figure 1. Amino acid alignment of the αMI-domain sequence Lys245-Arg261 with other integrin α subunit I-domains. The αMI-domain sequence was aligned with human αX, αD, αL, α1, α2, α10, α11, and αE using the National Center for Biotechnology Informatics (NCBI) database. Numbers on the right indicate the homology between αM (assigned a value of 100%) and other α subunits expressed as the percentage of identical residues (shown in bold). Dots above the αDI-domain sequence indicate residues homologous between αD and αM. Residues identified as critical for ligand binding in the αMI-domain13,14 are underlined.

Amino acid alignment of the αMI-domain sequence Lys245-Arg261 with other integrin α subunit I-domains. The αMI-domain sequence was aligned with human αX, αD, αL, α1, α2, α10, α11, and αE using the National Center for Biotechnology Informatics (NCBI) database. Numbers on the right indicate the homology between αM (assigned a value of 100%) and other α subunits expressed as the percentage of identical residues (shown in bold). Dots above the αDI-domain sequence indicate residues homologous between αD and αM. Residues identified as critical for ligand binding in the αMI-domain13,14  are underlined.

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