Figure 1.
Figure 1. Representative patterns of BCR-ABL/ABL transcript values from individual patients from the 3 patient groups who did not satisfy criteria for MR. (A) Persistently negative; (B) fluctuating positive, low level; and (C) persistently positive, low level (but not satisfying criteria for molecular relapse). The upper broken horizontal line shows the 2.0% level (corresponding to cytogenetic relapse). The lower 2 broken horizontal lines show the 0.02% and 0.05% levels, respectively. UPN indicates unique patient number.

Representative patterns of BCR-ABL/ABL transcript values from individual patients from the 3 patient groups who did not satisfy criteria for MR. (A) Persistently negative; (B) fluctuating positive, low level; and (C) persistently positive, low level (but not satisfying criteria for molecular relapse). The upper broken horizontal line shows the 2.0% level (corresponding to cytogenetic relapse). The lower 2 broken horizontal lines show the 0.02% and 0.05% levels, respectively. UPN indicates unique patient number.

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