Figure 5.
MR expression in human platelets. (A) Protein extracts from washed platelets or HEK cells were prepared as detailed in “Materials and methods” and analyzed by WB for MR expression; a band corresponding to the expected MW was observed. Blot is with samples from 3 distinct cell preparations, and it is representative of 3 separate experiments. (B) Washed platelets were permeabilized with saponin (“Materials and methods”) and stained with FITC-conjugated antibody to MR or Cy5-conjugated anti-GR antibody. (Bi) Negative primary antibody control; (Bii) positive staining for MR; (Biii) positive staining for GR; and (Biv) 2-color staining demonstrating platelet dual positivity for MR and GR (representative of data from 3 donors).

MR expression in human platelets. (A) Protein extracts from washed platelets or HEK cells were prepared as detailed in “Materials and methods” and analyzed by WB for MR expression; a band corresponding to the expected MW was observed. Blot is with samples from 3 distinct cell preparations, and it is representative of 3 separate experiments. (B) Washed platelets were permeabilized with saponin (“Materials and methods”) and stained with FITC-conjugated antibody to MR or Cy5-conjugated anti-GR antibody. (Bi) Negative primary antibody control; (Bii) positive staining for MR; (Biii) positive staining for GR; and (Biv) 2-color staining demonstrating platelet dual positivity for MR and GR (representative of data from 3 donors).

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