Figure 3.
Assessment of donor chimerism. Electrophoretic profiles of informative VNTR PCR products of the recipient before transplantation (allele size 836 bp) (A), the donor product before transplantation (allele size 690 bp) (B), and the recipient following the diagnosis of leukemia demonstrating 100% donor cells (C). The donor and recipient were both homozygous for the respective alleles.

Assessment of donor chimerism. Electrophoretic profiles of informative VNTR PCR products of the recipient before transplantation (allele size 836 bp) (A), the donor product before transplantation (allele size 690 bp) (B), and the recipient following the diagnosis of leukemia demonstrating 100% donor cells (C). The donor and recipient were both homozygous for the respective alleles.

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