Figure 2.
Figure 2. Expression of BM9 or BM10 inhibits KSHV plasmid maintenance in a FL-9 heterologous cell assay. Outgrowth assays of FL-9/8TR BJAB cells stably expressing LANA1 under a hygromycin resistance marker and together with a KSHV-TR plasmid under a neomycin resistance marker show that BM9 (•) and BM10 (zeocyn selection) (○), but not pcDNA3.1 vector (▴), induce inhibition of LANA1 and consequent loss of TR plasmid. Cells were transfected with the intrabodies or empty vector and placed under hygromycin, neomycin (LANA1-TR plasmid), and zeocyn (intrabody/vector) selection on day 0 (48 hours after transfection). Cell counts were performed in 24 replicas using the cell proliferation reagent WST-1 and measured by spectrophotometer at 405 nm.

Expression of BM9 or BM10 inhibits KSHV plasmid maintenance in a FL-9 heterologous cell assay. Outgrowth assays of FL-9/8TR BJAB cells stably expressing LANA1 under a hygromycin resistance marker and together with a KSHV-TR plasmid under a neomycin resistance marker show that BM9 (•) and BM10 (zeocyn selection) (○), but not pcDNA3.1 vector (▴), induce inhibition of LANA1 and consequent loss of TR plasmid. Cells were transfected with the intrabodies or empty vector and placed under hygromycin, neomycin (LANA1-TR plasmid), and zeocyn (intrabody/vector) selection on day 0 (48 hours after transfection). Cell counts were performed in 24 replicas using the cell proliferation reagent WST-1 and measured by spectrophotometer at 405 nm.

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