Figure 4.
Elevated NFκB activity in the niche is sufficient to dysregulate HSPC population dynamics. (A) Average cell counts in HSPC subpopulations from WT donors transplanted into WT (n = 6) and IκB− (n = 4) recipients with individual data points overlaid. (B) ODE model parameter fits to average cell counts, in which differentiation rate and branching ratio for ST-HSCs and the rate parameters for each MPP population are allowed to vary between IκB− and WT recipients. Formula for line of best fit specified for MPP parameters. (C) Transplanted HSPC scRNA-seq data projected into same gene expression space as native HSPC PCA with cells colored by genotype of recipient. (D) Ratio of IκB− to WT recipient HSPC density over pseudotime (left) estimated 1000 times to reflect uncertainty in lineage assignments; solid line indicates median and shaded region covers minimum to maximum value. Top model fits (center) obtained for 1000 optimization runs of the PDE-based cell population dynamics model and respective normalized RMSD values (right). (E) Difference in branching-ratio (left) and lineage developmental-flux functions (right) between IκB− and WT recipient given by parameters underlying model fits. Error bars and shaded regions denote range. (F) Difference in branching ratio (left) and average difference of developmental-flux functions in early ( to 0.5) progenitor lineages (right) for model fits with different values for the branch-point. Lines connect median values, and error bars denote maximum/minimum values across 500 fits.

Elevated NFκB activity in the niche is sufficient to dysregulate HSPC population dynamics. (A) Average cell counts in HSPC subpopulations from WT donors transplanted into WT (n = 6) and IκB (n = 4) recipients with individual data points overlaid. (B) ODE model parameter fits to average cell counts, in which differentiation rate and branching ratio for ST-HSCs and the rate parameters for each MPP population are allowed to vary between IκB and WT recipients. Formula for line of best fit specified for MPP parameters. (C) Transplanted HSPC scRNA-seq data projected into same gene expression space as native HSPC PCA with cells colored by genotype of recipient. (D) Ratio of IκB to WT recipient HSPC density over pseudotime (left) estimated 1000 times to reflect uncertainty in lineage assignments; solid line indicates median and shaded region covers minimum to maximum value. Top model fits (center) obtained for 1000 optimization runs of the PDE-based cell population dynamics model and respective normalized RMSD values (right). (E) Difference in branching-ratio (left) and lineage developmental-flux functions (right) between IκB and WT recipient given by parameters underlying model fits. Error bars and shaded regions denote range. (F) Difference in branching ratio (left) and average difference of developmental-flux functions in early ( to 0.5) progenitor lineages (right) for model fits with different values for the branch-point. Lines connect median values, and error bars denote maximum/minimum values across 500 fits.

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