Figure 4.
Heat map results of significant CRISPR screen markers and their association analysis from 3 independent pAML cohorts. CRISPR column showed significant markers of the gene with either a R, I, or S feature for each drug’s CRISPR screen. TARGET-0531, TARGET1031, and AML02 column showed association analysis of EFS, OS, and MRD1 with (RISK.adj) and without risk adjustment (unadj). HR was estimated for EFS and OS using the Cox proportional model, and OR was calculated for MRD1 using logistic regression. Genes with OR/HR >1 were defined as detrimental, and OR/HR <1 were defined as beneficial outcomes. Resistant features and detrimental outcomes are in red; sensitive features and beneficial outcomes are in blue; and inert features are in gray. ∗P ≤ .05; ∗∗P ≤ .01; ∗∗∗P ≤ .001. I, inert; R, resistant; S, sensitive.

Heat map results of significant CRISPR screen markers and their association analysis from 3 independent pAML cohorts. CRISPR column showed significant markers of the gene with either a R, I, or S feature for each drug’s CRISPR screen. TARGET-0531, TARGET1031, and AML02 column showed association analysis of EFS, OS, and MRD1 with (RISK.adj) and without risk adjustment (unadj). HR was estimated for EFS and OS using the Cox proportional model, and OR was calculated for MRD1 using logistic regression. Genes with OR/HR >1 were defined as detrimental, and OR/HR <1 were defined as beneficial outcomes. Resistant features and detrimental outcomes are in red; sensitive features and beneficial outcomes are in blue; and inert features are in gray. ∗P ≤ .05; ∗∗P ≤ .01; ∗∗∗P ≤ .001. I, inert; R, resistant; S, sensitive.

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